Assertive Community Treatment

Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)

ACT is an evidenced-based, nationally known service delivery model, providing comprehensive community based treatment for persons with severe and persistent mental illnesses.

Lenape Valley Foundation’s ACT has been designated as the statewide ACT consultants and “A Center of Excellence” by the Pennsylvania Office of Mental Health and Substance Services.

The ACT Team is comprised of highly skilled professionals in the disciplines of psychiatry, social work, nursing, substance abuse counseling, case management, supported employment, peer support, and counseling psychology. Team members partner with consumers in their homes, on the job, and in community settings to promote meeting individual recovery goals and community integration.

ACT serves persons from the ages of 18 and older who reside in Central and Upper Bucks County. ACT is funded through Medical Assistance and the Bucks County office of Mental Health/Developmental Programs.

If you are interested in receiving ACT services or would like further information about ACT, please contact 267-893-5021.

Crisis Services

If you, a friend, or family member need assistance right away, please call us. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
